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Pickleball Corner Schweiz

Mastering Pickleball Strategies: Block vs. Counterattack

Pickleball , a game of strategy and finesse, requires players to make lightning-quick decisions, especially at the kitchen line when faced with hard shots from the opponent. Two common courses of action in this situation are blocking and counterattacking, each of which serves a specific purpose.


  • Design: Quiet, slightly inclined pickleball paddle to catch and redirect the blow with minimal movement.
  • Intention: To neutralize the opponent's aggressive shots and give a controlled, low-risk response to resume the rally.


  • Execution: Aggressive response with a swing that may add spin or angle.
  • Intention: To turn the opponent's attack into an opportunity, apply pressure and try to gain control of the point.

When to block:

  1. Surprised or thrown off balance:
    Scenario : When you are faced with an unexpected pace or a quick shot.
    Rationale : A block is a reliable choice when your reaction time is compromised due to surprise, ensuring a controlled and precise return.

  2. Deep in the field:
    Scenario : Positioned far back, especially in the transition area.
    Rationale : Blocking gives you more time to move strategically along the Kitchen line. If you counterattack in this situation, you may have less time to reposition.

  3. Slower hands:
    Scenario : When your opponent has faster hands.
    Rationale : Choosing to block rather than engage in a sparring match allows you to neutralize your opponent and employ strategies that play to your strengths.

  4. Hitting upwards:
    Scenario : You are forced to hit the pickleball ball in an upward trajectory toward your feet.
    Rationale : A block resets the point without risking the ball going out of play, which is likely with an aggressive downward strike on the counterattack.

When to counterattack:

  1. Anticipation:
    Scenario : Being able to anticipate your opponent's attacks or having enough time to react.
    Rationale : A counterattack is effective when anticipation is on your side and you can take advantage of your opponent's weaker strikes.

  2. Strong positioning:
    Scenario : Balanced with weight forward, in a favorable position.
    Rationale : Counterattacking from a strong position allows you to develop power and precision and turn the tables.

  3. Control over the Kitchen:
    Scenario : Positioning on the kitchen line.
    Rationale : Controlling the kitchen gives you a time advantage that shortens your opponent's reaction time and makes counterattacks more effective.

  4. Faster hands:
    Scenario : You have faster hands than your opponents.
    Rationale : Counterattacking against a Speed-Up allows you to engage in a quick exchange of blows, with your faster hands giving you the upper hand.

  5. Precipitation:
    Scenario : You can execute your counterattack in a downward movement towards the opponent's feet.
    Rationale : This strategy makes it difficult for the opponent to parry your shots and often results in a series of high shots that you can exploit.

In summary, the decision between blocking and countering depends on several factors, including shooting characteristics, position on the court, and the different skills of the players. By effectively incorporating both strategies into your game, you will not only be a well-rounded player, but you will also increase your chances of success on the pickleball court.

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