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Pickleball Corner Blog
Whether you are curious about pickleball or a pickleball fanatic, in our blog you will find information about the equipment, tips and tricks and practical advice.
Ist Pickleball gesund? 6 Vorteile für Körper und Geist
Pickleball erfreut sich nicht nur wachsender Beliebtheit als Freizeit- und Wettkampfsport, sondern bietet auch zahlreiche gesundheitliche Vorteile. Für Menschen aller Altersgruppen und Fitnessniveaus ist Pickleball eine gelenkschonende, zugängliche Sportart, die...
Pickleball on Ice beim EHC Winterthur Nachwuchs
Am vergangenen Dienstag durfte der Nachwuchs des EHC Winterthur ein ganz besonderes Training erleben: Ein Pickleball-Turnier auf Eis! Unter der Leitung von Pickleball Corner wurde die Sportart in einer einzigartigen...
Das leiseste Pickleball-Paddle der Welt: Das Hush Paddle von Diadem
Pickleball-Fans aufgepasst: Mit dem Hush Paddle von Diadem Pickleball gibt es jetzt das weltweit leiseste Pickleball-Paddle. Diese innovative Paddle wurde entwickelt, um den typischen "Pop"-Sound zu reduzieren und das Spiel...
Frequently asked questions when choosing a pickleball paddle
How do I choose a Padlle? There are so many choices!
The best way to choose a paddle is to try it out! Ask your teammates in pickleball if you can test your paddle. Try out different weights and sizes of handles. When you find a paddle that feels good and balanced in your hand, try to figure out the weight of that paddle. If you don't have access to a variety of paddles to test, our Paddle Guide can be a helpful tool to narrow down the choices.
I'm buying my first paddle, do you have any advice?
Your first paddle should have a classic pickleball paddle shape. You can add special paddles once you have a great classic paddle in your bag. The classic paddle is about 19.7 to 20.3 centimeters wide and 39.4 to 40 centimeters long. Most of the paddles we sell are classic paddles.
What is the difference between fiberglass and graphite paddles?
Fiberglass paddles often weigh slightly more than graphite paddles. As they are slightly heavier than graphite paddles, fiberglass paddles are considered more powerful. Graphite paddles are considered more controlled or sensitive. Both graphite and fiberglass paddles are lightweight and durable. There is a general perception that graphite paddles are better, but no one has studied whether there is a difference in how the ball bounces off a graphite paddle compared to a fiberglass paddle.
Why do so many composite paddles have overlapping edge reinforcement?
You will find edge reinforcement on the edges of most composite paddles. The edge reinforcement ensures the integrity of the paddle and provides a cover for the open honeycomb interior. Without overlapping edge reinforcement, there is a risk that the paddle will be de-laminated and ruined. When a paddle is de-laminated, the paddle surface pulls away from the honeycomb interior and destroys the paddle.
How do I find a paddle for more power?
Looking for more power? Choose a paddle with a higher weight or a super-heavy weight. Power has everything to do with weight. The heavier the paddle, the more power you have. You can find the power paddles here.
How do I find a paddle for more control? Do you want to improve your control?
Choose a light or medium weight paddle with a smaller paddle head size. Control is all about maneuverability and quick reactions. Be lightning fast with a lighter, smaller paddle. Find the control paddles here.
How long does a paddle last?
How long a paddle lasts depends on how you look after it and how often you play. Top players who play daily usually expect to replace a graphite or composite paddle after about a year. For people who play a few times a week, a paddle should last about three years. Wooden paddles are extremely durable and will last for many years.
What is a "sweet spot"?
All paddles have a kind of "sweet spot" in the center of the hitting surface, regardless of the dimensions, just like a tennis racket, baseball bat or table tennis racket. It's a matter of physics, nothing else. The key is to hit the center of the paddle, which requires practice and coordination.
Are there indoor and outdoor paddles?
Paddles are not made specifically for indoor or outdoor play. Balls are made specifically for indoors or outdoors, but not paddles.
Are there men's and women's paddles?
Paddles are not made specifically for men or women. Paddles are gender-neutral.
I am a former tennis player, which paddle should I choose?
Former tennis or squash players often like a paddle with a longer handle. The longer handle enables a two-handed backhand game and more space for quick hand changes. Here you will find the pickleball paddles for tennis players.
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